A general-purpose, easy-to-use, security-oriented software fuzzer with feedback-driven fuzzing modes interesting analysis options. It's been used to find multiple interesting security problems in major software packages. Link
A light-weight process isolation tool, making use of Linux namespaces and seccomp-bpf. Link
InTrace is traceroute-like application that enables users to enumerate IP hops using existing TCP connections, both initiated from local network (local system) or from remote hosts. It could be useful when performing network reconnaissance or testing for firewall bypasses. Link
Linux SICP (RS232C) protocol implementation for Philips BDM4065UC. Link
The Holy Grail of the computer science since the first UNIX. Ladies and Gentlemen... here it is: cd as a standalone binary program – 100% replacement for your shell's built-in cd directive. (Linux/i386 only; may cause dizziness or vision changes; used with alcohol may lessen your ability to drive). Link